Special Rural & Rural Residential developments
08 Jun 2015| Posted by: Geoff Baldwin

The same rules apply as for residential development, however without the constraints of sewer and (sometimes) water supply provision, as generally septic effluent systems are acceptable (because of the larger lot size and much lower land use) and the latter can be contained on-site from rainwater tanks. (quite often a condition of planning approval). If you are subdividing in an environmentally sensitive area however - again take care - as you may need to provide enviro-cycle type effluent disposal systems for each lot (or at least advise intending purchasers in writing of their need to have them when they build - which adds considerably to the cost) and to also obtain the approval of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) before your subdivision is approved in the first instance by the Ministry for Planning (MFP). A further approval is needed when development is completed before the approval conditions can be finally cleared and the new Certificates of Title issued. (which you need for final settlements of the lots sold) Electricity is an essential service which should not be overlooked, as extensions in rural areas can become excessively expensive and financially flatten a project if not calculated in the first instance. Telephone services (or extension thereof) and internal cable reticulation also needs to be included in the costings, as Telstra is becoming less enthusiastic about providing cabling infrastructure (which they used to do free of charge) due to the a slower permanent resident establishment and their higher costs involved. Geographic logistics also need to be addressed as more “remote” rural developments normally cost more for transportation of construction plant, equipment and machinery mobilisation.